UPS and/or Uninterruptible Power Supplies protect your equipment at the critical time between power outages and the start of backup generators (where available). Depending on the type and nature of the production process in question, even one hour of unavailability of electricity can cost hundreds of thousands. In the case of some particular activities (e.g., hospitals, data centers, banks, etc.) the unavailability of electricity, even for a few minutes, is simply not permissible.

Providing for a preventive maintenance plan should be considered as important as the choice of equipment that makes up the uninterruptible power supply system. Through specific maintenance activities, the efficiency of equipment can be preserved for up to 20 years of service life.

Preventive and corrective maintenance (repair) of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) requires specialized knowledge, experience, and ongoing training. Thanks to the expertise of our specialized technicians, we are able to perform maintenance and repair work on UPS/Uninterruptible Power Supplies from a wide variety of manufacturers(APC, Emerson, Riello, Aros, Meta System, Siel, Schneider, Mge, Socomec, Chloride, Legrand, General Electric, etc.). We perform:

  • Mechanical and electrical visual inspection
  • Thermographic Inspection(Hot Spot Inspection)
  • Battery body residual efficiency measurement
  • Discharge curve analysis and verification
  • Calibration of charging voltage and current on the UPS.
  • Check integrity/functionality of switches, bypasses, etc.

STI Repair can offer maintenance plans, replacement (to the component) of the electronics on board UPS, replacement of the battery body, disposal of spent batteries, testing and commissioning.

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Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 · Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Lun-ven: 09:00 - 18:00

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Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 - Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00

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