SOCOMEC photovoltaic inverters, model SUNSYS, are centralized DC/AC converters of modular design, that is, composed of individual 33 kW power modules. The SUNSYS series covers a power range from 33 to 100 kW and consists of 1, 2 or 3 power modules.

The modular design of these centralized inverters makes routine and extraordinary maintenance on them easy and inexpensive. In fact, in the event of a failure of one of its power modules, repair and/or regeneration (either On Site or in the laboratory) without compromising the service continuity of the entire converter.

The SWAP agreement on SOCOMEC line therefore covers 33 kW power modules of the following models:

  • P33TR
  • P66TL/TR
  • P100TL/TR

Based on internal statistical data, it is found that about the 95% of malfunctions observed on the above models depends on a localized failure in the converter module where the most advanced features (control logic, current and voltage measurements, software-integrated interface protections, self-diagnostics, serial communication) and the most important hardware components (IGBT bridge, Gate Units, Control Units, etc.) are concentrated.

SOCOMEC 33 KW Power Module

Due to the availability of replacement power modules, we can replace the failed converter module of the above models with a fully remanufactured converter module with 24-month warranty, which is always available at our warehouses.

We are able to guarantee delivery of the remanufactured module, properly packed in a wooden crate(Flight Case) within 24/48 (valid for mainland Italy) from the call.

Service availability is limited to contracted clients. What are you waiting for? Secure your investment!

Want to learn more about the SWAP convention?



Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 · Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Lun-ven: 09:00 - 18:00

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Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 - Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00

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